Trusting God will take the fear aw
Trusting God will take the fear aw
There’s not much more frustrating than pants that are too big…unless of course, it is our “righteousness” that just doesn’t fit. Why not trade it in for Jesus’ righteousness? It ALWAYS fits!
You can do a pretty good job of repairing worn out cloths. They will, however, always looked “patched”. What if you could fix them without them looking like they had been fixed?
Nothing to wear? How awful is it to not be adequately dressed! Especially on the Day of Judgment…
How do you measure up? You may measure up very well in some areas of your life, but what about in the area where it most matters? In your relationship with God?
It is amazing how our God knows our needs and supplies them at just the right time. He is amazing!
Do you have the Blessed Assurance that Jesus is yours? If not, why not take care of that today?