Get Up and Move!

Last week my wife and I excitedly arrived at a function where a well-known and very popular speaker was presenting. We took our seats half way back in the auditorium, and were quickly absorbed by the excited buzz of the crowd, enjoying watching the people and just...

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Tissue-Paper Flowers for Sale

When I was just two-years-old, I used to enjoy tramping around the beaches of Belgium with a bucketful of shells. While I made my "rounds", I couldn't help but hear other kids on the beach crying out, "Flowers for sale! Flowers for sale!" When I looked, I noticed that...

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Modern Day Pharisees

Years ago I was with another minister on an airplane. We met a Jewish woman who was very outgoing and witty. We got into an intense conversation with her about the Lord Jesus. We fired statements back and forth to one another, attempting to prove Jesus as the Messiah....

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