Mr. Cruikshanks

1 Thessalonians 5:11 Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.I had a great English teacher called Mr. Cruikshanks (a wonderful Scottish name) when I was in High School. He not only taught me how to effectively read...

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Shepherds and Butchers

A preacher was taking a group of Christians on a tour of the Holy Land. He had just read them the parable of the good shepherd and was explaining to them that, as they continued their tour, they would see shepherds on the hillsides just as in Jesus' day. He wanted to...

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The Real Thing

I was about seven years old when an unusual man of God spoke at the midweek service of the small church my parents were attending. His name was Howard Goss, and I will never forget the impression he left on my young heart. He was a huge man with a bald head and hands...

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Managing Our Problems

[An overseer] must be one who manages his own household well, keeping his children under control with all dignity (1 Timothy 3:4).A pastor friend of mind came face-to-face with a parent's worst fear: His teenage daughter had become pregnant before marriage.Perry was...

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Joshua at Jericho

The BattleJoshua was a righteous soul,A brave leader of the Israelites.While waiting on the Lord's command,He kept Jericho in his sights.Now, God had sent an angel,Dressed in armored clad,To destroy the city of JerichoAnd give to Joshua God's plan.Joshua thought God's...

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