Jumping to Conclusion

Ears, Tail and Hooves

Bill was a big, awkward, homely guy. He dressed oddly with ill-fitting clothes. There were several fellows who thought it smart to make fun of him.One day one fellow noticed a small tear in his shirt and gave it a small rip. Another worker in the factory added his...

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As a young man, Al was a skilled artist, a potter. He had a wife and two fine sons.One night, his oldest son developed a severe stomach-ache. Thinking it was only some common intestinal disorder, neither Al nor his wife took the condition very seriously. But the...

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Hogs and Hypocrites

A Christian once visited a farmer to talk to him about Christ. "I wouldn't come to church up there." The farmer said. "I know old so and so (insert a name) church goer who claims to be a Christian and So and So (insert another name) church goer who claims to be a...

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Hoeing While Sitting

While on a walk one day, I was surprised to see a man hoeing his garden while sitting in a chair."What laziness!" I thought. But suddenly I saw, leaning against his chair, a pair of crutches. The man was at work despite his handicap.The lesson I learned about snap...

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Good Cooks

When my son was 11 years old, he got a small job helping out with a traveling carnival while it was in our town.He didn't come home at lunch time, phoning instead to tell me he was fine and had found a few days work helping out at an exhibit. He turned up for supper...

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If the World Were Blind

If the world was blind,maybe then we'd seethe true side of beauty,deep within you and me. No one could judge usby our outer looks,like the fancy coverson expensive books.We'd see with our hearts,and not just our eyes,and what we discovermight be a surprise. There...

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