How often we overlook something that is valuable, by not recognizing its worth.
How often we overlook something that is valuable, by not recognizing its worth.
May we let God be the judge of people.
It’s easy to get impatient with people. But is it fair? Do we know their stories? Do we understand the events that have made them who they are?
Rather than be so quick to pass the blame, why not sit for a moment and listen to what God has to say about the situation?
What would you do if you were approached by a homeless person? More importantly, what would Jesus want you to do?
Jesus said, “Do not judge others, and you will be not be judged.” Good truth from our Holy Savior.” (In Matthew 7:1 NLT)
What blessings are our preconceived ideas and prejudices keeping us from? Check out this link: !
#NewYear #judging #prejudice #condemnation #acceptance