Heaven: No pain, death, sickness or unhappiness. What a place to spend eternity! Will you go there once you die?
Heaven: No pain, death, sickness or unhappiness. What a place to spend eternity! Will you go there once you die?
The doors you enter in life can have eternal consequences. Take, for example, the door you enter at the point of death…
Looking for God? Why not try your back yard?
Are you missing a deceased loved one? In need for some comfort for the future? God has very creative ways of comforting us!
¿Echas de menos a un ser querido fallecido? ¿Necesita algo de consuelo para el futuro? ¡Dios tiene maneras muy creativas de consolarnos!
Does it seem hard to keep your balance in the walk through life? Remember to keep your eyes on your true home, Heaven!
Are the years creeping up? Just remember: We will all one day have a new “house” – where the Saviour dries our tears with His own hands!