Soul Healing


Praise God for His goodness and His mercy which endureth forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hi there, all the way from the Netherlands.I want to share with you the wonderful things Jesus did for us. I want to do this because I want to lift up His Name in gratitude and love. You...

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Suffering From Cystic Fibrosis

I can give you wonderful news about Christine and Rachel. Their cupboards are filled with food and a true miracle has occurred for Rachel. Praise The Lord! A recent x-ray of her lungs has shown them to be healed of the damage of her cystic fibrosis. Just a few months...

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The Nail

It was an annular ringed nail made to be driven into wood by a nailing machine and to stay there forever. That is what the rings were for. Once in place, it took superhuman strength to remove it. But then, our job at the old textile mill was putting them in, not...

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