What is the main question we should ask in life? How about, “What would Jesus do in this situation?” When we ask in prayer, God answers!
What is the main question we should ask in life? How about, “What would Jesus do in this situation?” When we ask in prayer, God answers!
Advice: You can take it or leave it. What we truly need to differentiate between the good advice and the bad is discernment!
God has a plan for each of our lives. Are we following it? Are we living according to His word?
It’s awfully hard to guide someone who wants to be the leader. Could this be why we don’t always feel like God is guiding us? Because we’re trying too hard to lead?
Nobody knows us like our Creator. What will WE do with that revelation?
When we were young we ran to our parents when we were hurt or scared. Then we stopped, we learned to stand on our own two feet. But is that really such a great thing?
We may never completely understand why things are the way they are. Our job is to do our best and trust God to guide us!