Feeling a bit alone and unloved? Remember: To God you are very important. Take a look in the mirror and say, “I am somebody! I am a child of the King!”
Feeling a bit alone and unloved? Remember: To God you are very important. Take a look in the mirror and say, “I am somebody! I am a child of the King!”
Hopelessly lost in our disappointment, the Bible tells us God can do immeasurably more than we can comprehend…
Desesperadamente perdidos en nuestra decepción, la Biblia nos dice que Dios puede hacer muchísimo más de lo que podemos comprender…
God loves us, and in the same way we are to love one another. We are to help them, to share Jesus with them, to be God’s hands bringing the 1 back to the flock!
La iglesia parece dividida, es una, arraigada y establecida por Jesús para siempre. ¡Que tomemos las manos de nuestros hermanos y hermanas en Cristo en Su unidad!
The the church seems divided, it is one, rooted and established by Jesus forever. May we grasp the hands of our brothers and sisters in Christ in His unity!
Grace given freely can change our minds and heart and turn us from sin.