El orgullo puede oscurecer nuestro mundo y hacernos vulnerables al enemigo que ronda como un león hambriento.
El orgullo puede oscurecer nuestro mundo y hacernos vulnerables al enemigo que ronda como un león hambriento.
Pride can darken our world and make us vulnerable to the enemy who roams like a hungry lion.
Like the variety of the farmer’s seeds and grains, we are all different. God, our gardener, deals with each of us in ways appropriate to our situations.
What traits do you look for in friends? Ask the Holy Spirit to pick people of great character and who has your best interest in mind.
How often we overlook something that is valuable, by not recognizing its worth.
Advice: You can take it or leave it. What we truly need to differentiate between the good advice and the bad is discernment!
We can’t believe everything we see; but how do we know the difference in what’s true and what isn’t? God’s Spirit gives us discernment