The devil comes to hurt us and tell us no one loves us. It’s all a lie. We need to combat his negativity with the truth of God’s Word!
The devil comes to hurt us and tell us no one loves us. It’s all a lie. We need to combat his negativity with the truth of God’s Word!
With so much going on, it’s easy to get distracted. But when we do, the prowling devil is quick to pounce…
Con tantas cosas sucediendo, es fácil distraerse. Pero cuando lo hacemos, el diablo merodeador se apresura a atacar…
It’s so easy to put our trust in a passing fad, in our feelings, in other people, or in our circumstances. We can be so easily deceived and betrayed by things of a fleeting nature. Let’s, instead, put our trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the only one who will not betray us.
We can’t believe everything we see; but how do we know the difference in what’s true and what isn’t? God’s Spirit gives us discernment
While God’s Word feeds us Truth, the devil feeds us lies. Our reaction to what is not true? We need to … spit it out!
Just as mosquitoes are ruthless, our enemy the devil is even more ruthless, using any weapon he can to bring us down.