How do I Calm my Heartache?

From: "Nugget" <lyn@PROTECTED>
Date: March 26th 2019

Welcome to the Nugget

March 26, 2019

How do I Calm my Heartache?


Stop crying. That's enough! It wasn't that bad. Stop it now.
These are words others used to calm my little granddaughter's cries after a scraped knee.

Being the wise grandma I try to be, I have a different approach. I scoop her up in my arms. Hold her tight, and keep her close. Without saying a word, I rock her gently back and forth. I don't let her go. Her sobs subside. I still hold her tight, while back and forth I rock her. Her body relaxes and she settles in my arms, content as can be.
How do I know that approach works?

God did the same with me. When an unthinkable tragedy broke my heart and shook my world, He held me close. He didn't give instructions. He just held me close. He didn't command I stop my cries. He just held me close. Soon, His promises swept over me like a wave of warm water in a cold day.

Should more scrapes to my heart occur, I know to be still and let Him hold me because "The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit" (Psalm 34:18, NLT).

Prayer: Father, how loving of you to care for us in such a tender way. Your comfort has no match. And your power to heal holds no conditions. When heartache invades my life, knowing You're ready to hold me tight shines reassurance in me. In Jesus' name, amen.

Janet Eckles

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