Power and Authority

Spotlight on Passion and Authority

I once met a young woman who was passionate about insects -- and that made her a true authority on them. Her life's goal, even as a child, was to study and know insects. She read literature on insects, researched them, and studied their every move. She still does. Her...

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Walk in Your Authority

In 1983 I left my career position as an engineer to enter the full-time ministry of helps for a very large church. In my position I served the pastor, his wife and all incoming guest ministers by taking care of menial tasks in order to free them up for the work God...

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Cutting the Covenant

When Sir Henry Morton Stanley conducted his famed search for Dr. David Livingston in Africa, he was confronted by a particularly powerful tribe that tried to hinder him from proceeding. The guide who was with him explained that if he wanted to continue his search, he...

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Respecting Authority

Last Friday I was meeting with two of my colleagues after work. They had had a tough day with seemingly little support from management, and they felt discouraged. As I was listening to what they went through, I also became upset at management. Why couldn't these...

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All Authority

"He was given authority, glory and sovereign power; all peoples, nations and men of every language worshiped him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and his kingdom is one that will never be destroyed." - Daniel 7:14Napoleon was one of...

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