Not a Number

The Catch Me! Game

When my youngest daughter was approximately two and a half years old, she would climb to the top of the stairs and yell, "Catch me, daddy!" And jump, having the faith and the assurance that indeed her daddy would catch her. Now that my youngest daughter has a daughter...

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Flower Power

Our yearly vacation to Manitoulin Island, Ontario, Canada, the largest fresh water island in the world, could not come soon enough. The island is so welcoming and beautiful. One day as I was walking along the rock formation by the water's edge, I saw something that I...

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Mechanical Bodies

At 186,000 kilometres, my car is starting to make funny noises. It seems that my car is more in the garage being repaired than it is at home. I faithfully have the oil changed every 5,000 kilometres, and the motor is still in good condition, but the body of the car is...

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Quite a few years ago, a bulletin from our church had a picture of a graphite illustration by Gerald Folkerts, entitled "Self Portrait".The picture so intrigued me that I kept the bulletin all these years; it was dated Good Friday, March 29, 1991. The background is...

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Tearing Down Walls

In 1961, a ninety-six-mile-long wall was erected by the communist East German government to prevent residents of East Berlin from moving to West Berlin. The wall split families and friends for twenty-eight years and East German guards were ordered to shoot anybody who...

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I am the proud owner of a Global Positioning System (GPS) navigational device for my car. I just punch in an address and it will direct me which way to go. But sometimes, the GPS will take me down roads that I've never driven before, and I find out how many beautiful...

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Rosemary Hagedorn


