Dealing With the Dark World

The Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons (1 Timothy 4:1).A few years ago I was speaking in a Southern California church on the subject of the New Age Movement. My...

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Giving Your Child the Best

Suppose you possessed the means to give your child the best. What kind of parent would you be? What would be your role in determining what your child should be and do? Maybe you would be tempted to respond like the parents of a girl named Jill.Jill's parents were...

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Forgiving Your Past

Abortion The second step in resolving past conflicts is to forgive those who have offended you. After encouraging Cindy, a rape victim, to deal with the emotional trauma of her rape, I said, "Cindy, you also need to forgive the man who raped you." Cindy's response was...

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Neil T. Anderson


