It doesn’t matter how old you are: You still have a responsibility to God’s Kingdom…
It doesn’t matter how old you are: You still have a responsibility to God’s Kingdom…
The more we witness the violence, intolerance, hate, war, immorality, etc. in our world today, the more we need to keep our eyes on Jesus!
¡Cuanto más somos testigos de la violencia, la intolerancia, el odio, la guerra, la inmoralidad, etc. en nuestro mundo hoy, más necesitamos mantener nuestros ojos en Jesús!
Keep your eyes on Jesus and he will guide you. And more than that, if we wander away, He will keep calling us until we respond!
Feeling perplexed over things you see happening around you? Is God hiding? How do we find Him?
Just as the lightning illuminates everything in its path, the truth of Christ has the power to enlighten and change even the hardest of hearts.
Faith isn’t something I can conjure up. It comes from trusting and relying upon God. It’s about learning to face obstacles and challenges, one moment, one hour at a time in His strength and through His wisdom!