Want God to light a fire in you? Ask Him what you are supposed to be doing, and then do it to the best of your ability!
Want God to light a fire in you? Ask Him what you are supposed to be doing, and then do it to the best of your ability!
The devil comes to hurt us and tell us no one loves us. It’s all a lie. We need to combat his negativity with the truth of God’s Word!
God knows everything about you … and despite that, He still loves you! That’s amazing! Shouldn’t we love Him in return?
Jesus is coming back, and soon. We need to pay attention to what we are putting into our hearts and minds to ensure we are not being influenced by the evil one!
No one likes being around negative people all the time. Our time will people will always be either a blessing or a curse. Let’s use our words wisely to be a blessing!
The interesting fact is… You will always find what you look for in a church! Be careful what you look for! Why not try looking for Jesus?
The old things of this world — TV shows, fashions, etc. — seem to always come back. Only God never needs a comeback!