An Attack

If You Love Me

I was preparing to minister one evening and was in prayer. I was aware God desired to speak something to my spirit. I quieted myself before Him, and He spoke, "Read John 14:15."By the reference alone I had no idea what John 14:15 said. So I turned to it and noticed in...

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The Never Ending Sermon

The very universe declares the glory of the Lord. Read the inspired writings of David:The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or...

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The Sea of Galilee

Love does not seek its own, but hurt people become more and more self-seeking and self-contained. In this climate the love of God waxes cold. A natural example of this is the two seas in the Holy Land. The Sea of Galilee freely receives and gives out water. It has an...

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The Wall of Separation

The testimony that touched my heart the most occurred when I ministered in Naples, Florida. Just before I spoke, a burly, middle-aged man stood up before the congregation and wept as he relayed his tragic story: "All my life I have felt like there was a wall between...

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What is This Town Like?

Back in the days when the settlers were moving to the West, a wise man stood on a hill outside a new Western town. As the settlers came from the East, the wise man was the first person they met before coming to the settlement. They asked eagerly what the people of the...

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Serving God or the Dream

God once asked me to give up something I thought He had given me. It meant more to me than anything else. I had desired it for years. It was to work for a particularly well-known evangelist, one I dearly loved.My wife and I had been offered positions on staff as...

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John Bevere


