
I think of all the questions we ask, "Why?" May be the the most powerful.We ask it of God..."Why?"Then we wait patiently expecting an answer.He does answer, but most of the time we choose not to hear Him.It's a filter we humans have that helps us to only hear what we...

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Four Rooms With Potential

When we were looking for a house Marianne and I had lofty and grand expectations. You know, that "dream house" each of us can describe right down to the door knobs.Reality, however, kept those dreams in check.I can clearly remember saying that we needed to look at...

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Lost Little Boy

It happens. In a blink of an eye, a sudden turn of your head, something grabs your attention for a moment and when you look back, you have no idea where you are or where everyone went.Shopping malls, parks, picnics, at the beach or any where large crowds gather, the...

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Ready for My Close-Up!

Sandy beaches with dreams washed away by unexpected storms make it difficult sometimes to find joy in remembering.The shores of "once upon a time" story lines don't seem to be so welcoming any more.I keep telling them...you stopped listening.There doesn't seem to be...

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Things make shadows. A tree, a building, and you and I make shadows.The dictionary defines it as, "a dark figure or image cast on the ground or some surface by a body intercepting light."So, one cannot see a shadow without the presence of light.It also defines it as,...

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Take Advantage of the Storm

Answers to life can be found in everyday events. Watching nature, watching people and watching animals interact with each other provides some of the simplest solutions to life's biggest problems.This became more apparent to me yesterday.It caused me to ask myself,...

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A Minute of Your Time

I can't go anywhere this time of year without having to stand in line.I can't explain it, but this year I really don't mind. It's not like me, you know.God has given me many gifts, but patience is not one of them.Still, I seem to have found calm, peace, and...

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Bob Perks


