Do we reach into the unknown with fear and worry? Is there a black hole that contains the worst of your imagination?
We must trust in God to keep us for he cares for you!
Do we reach into the unknown with fear and worry? Is there a black hole that contains the worst of your imagination?
We must trust in God to keep us for he cares for you!
The Bible says, God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power, and love and self-control. (2 Timothy 1:7 ESV) Therefore fear can’t be of God!
We’ve all been there … That long, sleepless night, when all we long for it to be over! Sometimes this is a physical night, but sometimes it is a very, very long “night” of troubles. What do we do? Where do we go to find … peace?
"Casting all your anxieties on Him, because He cares for you." (1 Peter 5:7 ESV) On Monday, I told the story of how God began a healing ministry at my school by healing the daughter of one of my co-teachers. My job was simply to be open to His voice, do what He called...
"Anxiety in a man's heart weighs it down." (Proverbs 12:25a AMP)Worry and anxiety are bedfellows that often show up together.Kelita sat in her car, gunning the engine but going nowhere. There was good reason. The gearshift was in neutral. She burned fuel and fogged up...
Click, click, click." His toenails brushed across the linoleum, followed by a whine and snort, then a pounce onto the bed. The process continued for four hours.Twix, our five-year-old Chihuahua, was restless. He normally sleeps soundly, but this particular night he...
Ps 62:5-6 "Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken." At times life can be a harsh mind-shock, leaving its victim in state of utter unbelief and pain. The emotions...