This is My Message for You

God Became Human

May we celebrate the good news the angel spoke to Mary and Joseph. We are thankful that Jesus chose to come to this earth to save mankind from his sin. His name shall be called Jesus, Emanuel God with us.

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The Visitor

This story is hard for me to tell; yet I feel a burning in my heart that it is a message that is vital for someone out there.It was back in the days before my diagnosis with Alzheimer's. In fact, it was, perhaps, the first time I actually became aware of my problem;...

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My Christmas Angel

"For he will order his angels to protect you wherever you go." (Psalms 91:11 NLT)Growing up as a boy I am sure that I gave my guardian angel premature gray hair. He probably had to take early retirement too. There is no other way to explain how I cheated death and...

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