Where Is My Mom? Hawaii, Here We Come! Part 4

by | May 9, 2024 | Hawaii, Here We Come!, Mother's Day, Presence

With Mother’s Day just two days away, my heart turns, as usual, to my own precious mom. It’s been 6 years now since she went to be with the Lord; and while I’m usually okay, every once in a while I till tear up when I think about her…

This Mother’s Day, however, my mind is brought to a very different mom: The mother to my children.

Now I know she isn’t my mom; but I have spent many, many years calling her “mom”. And now that my speech problems make it difficult for me to speak and understand English, and I am trending more and more towards French, the name that rolls off my tongue for my wife is the French equivalent for mom, “Maman”.

I don’t know why it happened. Maybe it was the change in routine being in Hawaii instead of our home in Canada. But for whatever reason, in my mind we had left “Maman” back in our Canadian home. This woman who was traveling with me was a good caretaker, and she was a great tour guide; but she just wasn’t “Maman”, and when she had the audacity to say she was “Maman”, I admit it made me mad.

It also made me dig in my heels. We had left “Maman” back in Canada, and how dare this other woman claim to be my sweet “Maman”!

When it came time for us to leave the island of Oahu and fly to the big island of Hawaii, I just couldn’t take the separation anymore. I found myself homesick. All I wanted was to go back home to my “Maman”. In the end, we came home early.

As I think about this Mother’s Day special, I realize I have been very blessed in life. I had a wonderful mom, and I had a wonderful wife who is the mother to my children. So wonderful that I couldn’t even enjoy the tropical island paradise and the warm weather because of my longing to be with her. What if I had the same longing in my heart for my heavenly Father? What if He were to become such a focus in my life that I couldn’t even be happy in a tropical paradise without Him?

It makes me think of a couple of key Bible texts:

“Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked.” (Psalms 84:10 NIV); and

“As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God.” (Psalms 42:1 NIV).

I am pretty sure that I wouldn’t struggle as much with temptation if I had that longing in my heart for God that I felt for my wife while we were in Hawaii…

The interesting thing is this: Once back home and in my familiar setting, I would come to realize that my “Maman” had been with me all the time. She had never left me, even though at the time I couldn’t see it….

Isn’t that the case for God? The Bible teaches, “The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” (Deuteronomy 31:8 NIV).

Why is it, then, that He sometimes feels so far away?

You know what I mean. In the midst of trials, God often seems miles away. But in the same way that the different environment in Hawaii made me think that my traveling companion wasn’t actually my wife, the troubles we go through will also mask our ability to see God. However, just like my wife was with me 100% of the time while we were in Hawaii, God is always with us.

What if I had believed my wife when she assured me of who she was? Perhaps we wouldn’t have had to return early….

And perhaps we need to begin to believe Truth – Bible Truth – that whether we sense His presence or not, God is ALWAYS with us – instead of what our senses try to make us believe. Then perhaps those same trials would be a lot easier to navigate!

Think about it!

For those of you who are fortunate to still have your moms, remember to make them feel special this Mother’s Day. And for those of you whose moms are no longer with us, be sure to spend some time thinking about them and thanking God for them. And while you’re at it, be sure to remember to focus on Truth: God will NEVER leave you or forsake you!

Inspired by Rob Chaffart
Director, Answers2Prayer Ministries

(To access the entire “Hawaii, Here We Come!” devotional series, please click here!)


Where Is My Mom? Hawaii, Here We Come! Part 4


