Daily Baths

by | Feb 18, 2024 | Confession, Listening, Ministry

“Jesus replied, ‘A person who has bathed all over does not need to wash, except for the feet, to be entirely clean. And you disciples are clean, but not all of you.'” (John 13:10 NLT)

“Come quickly,” my wife hollered as I sat at my computer, writing in the early morning hours.

Though we live in the city, a few months ago an opossum came waddling through the privacy fence surrounding our backyard and made himself at home rummaging around in our yard. He was very small. A few weeks ago, I saw him again, ambling across the top of our privacy fence. This time, he was much larger.

On this morning, my wife had discovered his hideout. A small patch of brush and trees separates our subdivision from the one behind us. One of the larger trees had a hollow in it, and he had made it his home. In the early morning light, he sat upon a strong limb and bathed himself, licking parts of his body much like a raccoon or a cat.

Jesus knew a little about washing, too. To teach His disciples about serving, Jesus washed their feet. But when He came to Peter, Peter refused to let Him. He thought that this was beneath the Messiah to perform such a menial task. Jesus explained that although Peter didn’t need to wash all over, his feet still needed washing. After all, people in this time walked the dusty roads either barefooted or in sandals.

With rare exceptions, I, like the opossum, take daily baths. I feel cleaner when I do, even if I’ve done nothing that day to get dirty. Oils build up on my skin. I may have eaten at a restaurant with sizzling smells, or perhaps I’ve been “junking” in thrift stores.

Jesus was talking about a spiritual bath. The disciples had bathed when they trusted Jesus as God’s Son. When we follow their example, all our sins are washed away — past, present, and future. We don’t need a whole-body bath again. But we do need daily cleansing. Our feet get dirty from walking through the world.

Our daily baths come by confessing sins of omission and sins of commission, and through apologies for missing opportunities that the Saviour has sent because we were too busy, selfish, or consumed in our own worlds. This daily bath keeps us on good terms with Christ and helps us to hear Him clearly when He calls.

Don’t neglect your daily bath.

Prayer: Father, move us to daily confession so that we can hear You clearly when You call us to ministry opportunities. Amen.

Copyright © 2022, by Martin Wiles <mandmwiles@gmail.com>, first published on the PresbyCan Daily Devotional presbycan.ca .
Greenwood, South Carolina, USA

Reprinted from PresbyCan with author’s permission


Daily Baths


