“So I recommend having fun, because there is nothing better for people in this world than to eat, drink, and enjoy life. That way, they will experience some happiness along with all the hard work God gives them under the sun.”
(Ecclesiastes 8:15 NLT)
“There is nothing better for a person than that he should eat and drink and find enjoyment in his toil. This also, I saw, is from the hand of God.”
(Ecclesiastes 2:24 ESV)
I have known people who wouldn’t smile if their life depended on it. But I have also known people who are almost always happy. No matter what life throws at some people, it doesn’t faze them. I haven’t achieved that level yet. But I’m working on it.
Life is a journey. How you live it is up to you. Do you want to be a grouch, or do you want to smile and be happy? Me, I prefer to smile. What are some things that make you happy? Mine are my family. One of my grandsons sent me a text yesterday that kept me smiling all afternoon. I love hearing from my family. I have a couple that text me every day just to say hi. I could go the cliche way and say a beautiful sunset, flowers blooming. But I won’t. Yes, they make me smile, but friends and family mean more to me than anything else.
But I can’t forget my walk with God. God means everything to me. If it wasn’t for Him, I don’t know where I would be today. God had a plan for my life long before I even had life. He knew exactly what I would do. He knew how I would live my life. I haven’t always lived my life according to His plan, but He was always waiting for me to get it right. I still don’t have it all together, and I probably won’t before I leave this earth. But I’m closer than I was just a few years ago.
How are you doing? Are you following God’s plan for your life? Are you living according to His word? Maybe it’s time to dust off your Bible and start reading it.
Have a blessed day, everyone.