Truth of God

by | Jan 15, 2024 | Provision, Surrender, Trials, Truth

“Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.'”

(John 14:6 ESV)

“When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come.”

(John 16:13 ESV)

There’s a song called, “Truth I’m Standing On” by Leanna Crawford:

“This is the truth I’m standing on.
Even when all my strength is gone
You are faithful forever.
And I know You’ll never
Let me fall.
Right now, I’m choosing to believe.
Someday soon, I’ll look back and see
All the pain had a purpose.
Your plan was perfect all along
This is the truth I’m standing on.”

Truth I’m Standing On by Leanne Crawford

I don’t care what the world tries to tell me, I am standing on the promises of God. God has made promises to me. He has made promises to all of us. One that comes to mind is never to destroy the world by flood again. But, you might say, floods still come and destroy areas. That’s just it. Floods destroy areas, not the whole world, like in Noah’s times. The last time I checked, the world had not totally flooded. God promised to take care of me when I gave my life to Him. And He has. Maybe not exactly when I wanted, but He always comes through in time.

No matter what is going on or tired I get fighting, God is always there to take care of my problems, and all He asks is to obey Him and give Him praise. Not too much ask, in my opinion. Like the song says, one day, I will  look back and see the pain had the purpose. But for now, this is the truth I’m standing on. All the pain had a purpose. Your plan was perfect all along.

Have a blessed day, and stay safe and warm.

Kathy Keller
Writer and Prayer warrior with Answers2Prayer Ministries
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Truth of God


