Our Christmas dinner adventure ended up with an unpleasant episode. I sat on the passenger’s seat and my friend drove the car through busy, narrow Orlando streets in downtown.
Our chatter must have been a bit distracting. Suddenly she gasped. “Oh no!”
Inadvertently, she entered the wrong way into a one-way street. She tried to mask her panic. “What do I do?”
Seconds later, a police officer who patrolled the area motioned to pull over. His deep voice came in from the driver’s window. “Your driver’s license.”
He walked back to his car. And when he came back, he scribbled on the ticket and pressed it in her hand.
Embarrassed? Distraught? Angry at herself? Yup. All of the above.
We do the same.
Most of us do the same at one time or another. When navigating through the streets of life, sometimes we take the wrong turn. Dressed in Christmas red and green, we head the wrong way. We do if we embrace the notion that the reason this is the most wonderful time of the year is because of the gifts, decorated trees, lights, social gatherings, or eating till we can’t move.
That’s not what makes this time wonderful. What makes it miraculously beautiful is the map God traced for our destiny.
Jesus’ birth wasn’t just an event, but it marked the beginning of that destiny. With His birth, a new faith was born. Through Him, we now have the faith that speaks evil into submission. The faith that tells circumstances they don’t dictate our path. The faith that lifts gloom in dark times. The faith that declares no force can stand against us. And the faith that will bring down walls and demolish opposition.
Victorious because we now drive down the street of faith where each season becomes the most wonderful time of the year. We decorate our life with brand new hope. We put up the tree of strength to face setbacks. We shop for opportunities to encourage others We wrap the gift of forgiveness and hand it to those who wronged us.
That can be you—the brand new you who’s born this Christmas. While the rest of the world focuses on what is seen, you concentrate on what’s not seen. You gaze at He who was born to give you what will make you strong. What will give you confidence. What will bring security. And what will end the loneliness.
Even if your path should turn crooked with restlessness, tension or sleepless nights, you have the answer, you have the way out and the only path… “All you do is trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight” (Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV).
In that straight path of life, we find the peace we long for. The rest we need. The thoughts that are calm and the heart that sings joy.
Let’s Pray
Father, this Christmas will be wonderful as I thank You for saving me from wrong thinking, from wrong focus and wrong paths lined with superficial notions and worldly values. I praise You for the straight path that leads me to the beautiful destination You prepared for me. In Jesus’ name.
What is the path your life is taking you this Christmas?
Janett Perez Eckles