
by | Dec 1, 2023 | Acceptance, Example

“Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.”

(Ephesians 4:32 ESV)

“And as you wish that others would do to you, do so to them.”

(Luke 6:31 ESV)

I read a story on Facebook last night. It was about a college student. He had wild hair, holes in his T shirt, blue jeans, and barefoot. He got saved while going to college. He walked into a church on a  Sunday morning. It was packed. He couldn’t find a seat, so he just sat on the floor in the aisle. People being who they were stared at him as he made his way down the aisle and sat down. The next thing they knew, one of the deacons, who was an older gentleman, made his way slowly down the aisle. Everyone thought he would ask the man to leave. Even the pastor was surprised when the deacon sat down beside him and worshiped with him. According to the story, the pastor said, “What I am about to preach, you won’t remember. What you just saw you will never forget.”

The moral of the story is to be careful how you live. You may be the only Bible some will ever read. Treat others the way you want to be treated. 

Have a great day, everyone.

 Kathy Keller
Writer and Prayer warrior with Answers2Prayer Ministries
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