“Oh, that you would bless me and land my territory. Please be with me in all that I do and keep me from all trouble and pain.”
(1 Chronicles 5:10 NLV)
It’s funny how God sometimes drops subjects for devotionals. I was reading my Bible yesterday morning. I read 1 Chronicles 5:10. God interrupted my reading. He told me that if I really wanted my territory expanded, I needed to change my mindset.
You see, I had God in a box. I had set my thinking that things had to happen a certain way. God doesn’t work that way. God has ways of doing things that we could never imagine.
I heard from a friend a long time ago about a lady at a revival. She had been praying for her finances. When she got to her car, there on the seat was a stack of money. Enough, in fact, to pay her bills. Her car was locked. So how did the money get there? Did an angel put it there? Did someone break into her car? I like to think God sent an angel.
God works in mysterious ways. So many times, we think God has to work in a specific way. We limit God, and He can’t work the way He needs to. There have been so many times we put God in a box. We fence Him in until He can’t work freely. I think it’s time we take God out of the box and let Him have His way in our lives. Life is so much better when God has free rein in our lives.
So I encourage you today, let God out of the box. Take the fence down and let God work freely in your life.
Have a great day, everyone.
Kathy Keller
Writer and Prayer warrior with Answers2PrayerMinistries
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