The King Is on the Throne

by | May 10, 2023 | Kingdom of Heaven, Overcoming

“And the Lord will be king over all the earth. On that day, the Lord will be one and his name one.”

(Zechariah 14:9 ESV)

“On his robe and on his thigh, he has a name written, King of Kings and Lord of Lords.:

(Revelation 19:16 ESV)

I saw an article the other day about Prince Charles being crowned King of England. I admit, I looked at some of the pictures. I got to thinking about kings. One in particular came to mind. God! I only need this King.

I don’t know how King Charles will rule his kingdom. But I know how God rules His kingdom. God rules His kingdom firmly with kindness tossed in. God will discipline His children, but He is kind when He does. God is quick to forgive us when we do stupid, and we repent. He forgives and forgets. 

That is better than you think. Can you forget when someone when they do something or say something to you that you don’t like?

It’s hard. I can usually forgive, eventually. But forgetting is another thing. But remember, the devil never forgets. He keeps bringing up every little thing you have ever done in the hopes of discouraging you.    Sadly, he usually succeeds. But if we recognize what he is doing, we can take a stand against him. 

God has given us weapons to use against the devil. The strongest weapon of all is the blood of Jesus. If we just plead the blood of Jesus over us, then the devil has to flee. I have found that the closer I get to God, the harder the devil comes against me. But that’s alright. I pull out my weapons and do battle. The devil knows that his time is short, and he wants us all discouraged and feeling down. He doesn’t want us to be happy and enjoying life. 

But we don’t have to live there. Put your trust in our King and then sit back and watch Him work. Our King is still on the throne working on our behalf. Isn’t  that good news? 

I hope everyone has a fantastic day.

Kathy Keller
Writer and Prayer warrior with Answers2Prayer Ministries
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The King Is on the Throne


