“I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.” (Revelation 22:13 ESV)
Recently one of our pastors led the community all-age spot. She held up a piece of string as a visual aid and asked some children to come up and help her to hold it and they stretched it out across the platform until it was tight as a presentation of time. One end representing the beginning and the other, the end of time.
She threaded a hula-hoop over the string. Then, with the string in the centre, she ran up and down the length of the string to show how God’s presence is ever present through time surrounding us from beginning to end. As it says above, Jesus is the Alpha and Omega the beginning and end of all existence, including time.
Jesus our Saviour is ever present with us, sometimes out of sight but always surrounding us with His Love, Care and Attention. To move the analogy on for a moment, for many of us in like manner to that string, we find ourselves stretched out, taught and at breaking point.
Caroline, my wife whispered to my eldest daughter with three young boisterous children: Isn’t it good to know that Jesus is there when we get to the end of our rope! She smiled.
The is a profound Truth: Jesus can always be found at the end of our particular piece of rope: Jesus meets us to bring us across the threshold into heaven; He meets us at the point we give up our independence, holding on to our own determination to do things our way without Him, especially when we are at a loss for what to do! He meets us when we are about to snap and we call out in desperation. Jesus comes in through the door of our existence to share our journey with us, good and bad.
“Come to me, all who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28 ESV)
So if you are at the end of your personal piece of string today, call out to Jesus. He will hear you and bring a peace and a hope that the world cannot give because He has been there and done that for us on the cross.
Prayer: LORD, thank You for being there for us, for saving us through turbulent times and uncertain futures. Thank you that You always know the way and the end of the matter and enable us to cross from life into eternity, in Jesus’ name, amen.
Rodney Marshall