“All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work.”
(2 Timothy 3:16-17 ESV)
“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”
(Psalm 119:105 ESV)
Troubles got you down? The weight of the world trying to take you down for the count? Here’s the solution to all your problems: The Bible.
BIBLE stands for:
This is your guide to a successful, happy, prosperous and fulfilling life.
Don’t believe me? You think the Bible is just another book? It is a book. It’s a book of instructions on how to live our lives. It’s a book of instructions on how not to live our lives too. The Bible is a guideline from God.
The Bible is not just another book to be set on the shelf and dusted occasionally. It’s a book to be read from cover to cover. It’s a book you can make notes in, underline important parts or dog ear pages to go back to again and again. You should see the Bible I read at home. I had to cover it with clear contact paper because the cover is falling apart. I’ve had to glue pages back in, taped pages that have torn and underlined many verses in it. It’s a very much loved book in my home. I read it daily. Do you? I may not read it all in a year, but I read it.
Here’s a thought. Why can’t I read it in a year? If I find a good book, I can read it in a few days. Why not the Bible? I have no answer for that. But if I can read a book in a few days, I should be able to read the Bible in a few days. I suggest that you take your Bible, or go buy one if you don’t have one, and sit down and start reading. Start in Genesis and read through to Revelation. You won’t regret it and it’s time well spent.
Have a great day everyone.
Kathy Keller
Writer and Prayer warrior with Answers2Prayer Ministries
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