A few months ago, I saw on Facebook a picture of a little boy and girl leaning on a partial wall looking into the distance. The caption was from a mother or a grandmother, and it read, “If only I could change your world, I would.”
Yes, with so many restrictions and the isolation going on, the situation is affecting young and old alike. A friend’s granddaughter commented one day that she didn’t think anyone loved her anymore. When she was asked why she would say that, she replied, “Because nobody hugs or kisses me anymore.”
As I was drawn to that picture and the little girl’s comment, my heart and mind felt her pain. This is what I was led to write.
His Way
If only I could have my way
You’d have fun every day
Out with your friends you could safely play
Oh, if only I could have my way.
It would be stress-free to go to school
Everyone would obey the Golden Rule
Wouldn’t matter if you were white or black
And where you’re from wouldn’t be under attack
Yes, if only I could have my way
But it is better, when it is God’s way.
He’s waiting for people to live by the Golden Rule
Then, everyone would be safe at work and school.
Bad things happen, this is true
But trust in God, He is there for you
This builds character in me and you
No matter life’s storms, He’ll see you through
Loving God and each other is the most important thing
Put your life in His hands and peace He will bring
And if we let God have His way
It can cause us to be thankful every day.
“All the ways of the Lord are loving and faithful for those who keep the demands of his covenant.” (Psalm 25:10 NIV)
“In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.” (Proverbs 3:6 NIV)
Prayer: Dear heavenly Father, thank You for watching over us and protecting us. Help us to see that Your way is the only way to go through life with hope. Help us to share this hope with others who do not have it. May Your way be our way in everything! Help the hurting to find that You are there for them also. We praise You, Jesus. Amen.
Copyright © 2021, by Brenda Vargas, first published on the PresbyCan Daily Devotional.
Pico, Azores