Love One Another

by | Sep 3, 2022 | Giving, Love, Sacrifice

“Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins.”

(1 Peter 4:8 ESV)

“Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.”

(1 John 4:11 ESV)

There’s a song called “Loving God, Loving Each Other” sung by the Gaither Vocal Band:

“Loving God, loving each other.
Making music with my friends.
Loving God, loving each other.
And the story never ends.”

Loving God, Loving Each Other by the Gaither Vocal Band

How many times have you thought, “There goes a person I just can’t love?” I have a few times, probably more than a few times. But what if God said that about you. How would you feel? I don’t think I would like it. But God isn’t that way. He loves us all the same. 

Isn’t that nice to know? God loves us regardless of what we do. He doesn’t like some of the things we do. But if we are quick to repent, He forgives us and wipes away our sins. Let’s say you see a homeless person on the corner with a sign, asking for help. What do you do? Do you turn your head away and pretend you don’t see them? Or do you pull out a few bucks and cheerfully hand it over? “Oh, but if I give that person money, they will just go buy drugs or booze.” So what? But what if those few dollars meant that person could go to sleep that night with a warm meal inside of them? 

I’m not saying to give to every person you see begging. Listen to God, He will tell you who to give to. He did me a few weeks ago. I only had $5 and there was a guy on the corner. He was holding a sign that said, “If I can smile, so can you.” God told me to give him that five in my wallet. That was the best $5 I spent in a long time. I was obedient and acted quickly before the devil had time to talk me out of it. As I handed it to him I said, “God bless you.”

He had the biggest smile.

It’s the little things that show people you love them. That’s how God wants us live, loving Him and loving each other.

Have a blessed day everyone. God loves you and so do I!

Kathy Keller
Writer and Prayer warrior with Answers2Prayer Ministries
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Love One Another


