Too Big Trees and Shrubs

by | May 19, 2022 | Sacrifice, Salvation, Sin

Trees and shrubs were getting too big at the roadside. Vision was getting very limited coming out from the Farm onto the main road. Drastic measures were needed to remedy the problem. Every obstacle had to be removed before an accident would happen. So, with hand saw and garden loppers I set about the offending items.

Blood, sweat and tears are some things one might suffer under certain circumstances and although I didn`t experience all three physically they were all there waiting to erupt into full experience.

It was a hot day, and I certainly lost a lot of sweat. Nettles were very much in the way and stings, even through my trousers, were numerous. It was exhausting work. Sometimes down on hands and knees to crawl under branches to get to the trunk of a tree so that it could be removed from the base so that it would not grow back again.

Eventually the job was done. What a pleasure it was to stand at the exit from the farm road and have clear vision for a great distance, both to left and right directions, making for a safe approach onto the main road where the traffic can be very fast moving.

Many thoughts came to my mind as I meditated on the whole procedure.Trees and shrubs were getting too big and blocking vision.

Sin is the main problem for us, blocking our vision of God: “But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear.” (Isaiah 59:2 KJV)

Drastic measures were needed to remove all the trees etc.

For Jesus to remove the sin barrier between us and God, it cost Him literally, blood, sweat and tears (See Luke 22:39-46).

Doonnie Black


Too Big Trees and Shrubs


