For many years, I played a brass instrument. Originally, I played small instruments like the cornet and horns, but over the years, I “graduated” to playing the largest, called a bass or tuba.
Occasionally, I would hear comments that I could do so because I was full of hot air!
The sounds emanating from the bell of a brass instrument depend upon the quality of the air that enters through the mouthpiece. The sound of the air also varies according to the length of the tubing, and this can be altered by valves, except for trombones, which use a slide. I was never able to master the trombone, unlike one of my grandsons who became an expert trombonist.
I learned two life lessons.
Firstly, the flow of the hot air must not be blocked. Many years ago, a family from Europe who did not speak English moved to Toronto and commenced attending our church. The father asked to witness to his new friends by playing a cornet that he had brought with him.
As he blew hot air into his instrument, no recognizable sound came out of the bell. As he blew harder and harder, the only thing that happened was that he became redder and redder until he passed out.
Obviously, the tubing was blocked in some way. He was unable to communicate positively because of a blockage.
Although God created us to be beautiful, shiny instruments in His hands, all of us have sinned and fallen short of His glory. This blockage in our usefulness to Him must be dealt with by accepting His forgiveness for our sin through belief in Jesus as Saviour.
“Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me. Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit.” (Psalm 51:10-12 KJV)
Secondly, every day, we take in information, and in turn, we constantly give it to others in various ways. Unfortunately, we are often bombarded by information that is not good. It is too easy to be overwhelmed by sights and sounds that are harmful and should never be shared.
I am always inspired by the words of a song written by Edwin Hatch in the 19th century.
I realize that my challenge is to live so that my “input” comes from God and my “output” reflects His love.
Prayer: Dear Father, help us to realize that we are instruments in Your hands. May we realize that it is vital that our lives are kept clean and that we ensure that what we give out comes from You. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.
Vincent Walter
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Reprinted from the PresbyCan Daily Devotional with the author’s permission