It’s the eve of a new year. It’s time to do some reflecting. Reflecting on the past year, reflecting on the upcoming year, and, most importantly, reflecting on our life! Think about it: Wouldn’t it be sad to realize too late what is important in life?
It is a fact that futile attractions lead to emptiness. This is as true for the alcoholic as for the workaholic and the donothingaholic (Does this word even exist?). Only One gives us a purpose. Only One makes us realize what is really essential in life. Is this why He encourages us to love one another? “Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” (John 13:34 NIV)
Oh the lamentations of those who recognize too late that they are leading a life devoid of meaning! What is left of the kingdom built with our own hands when our time is up? Were all of our empty pursuits worthwhile? Does our past haunt us with emptiness? With hurt? With broken promises?
“If I had only known! If only I had realized earlier the purpose of my existence! What a waste!!”
I hear so many uttering these words. However lamentations will not help our current situation. Once we realize where we came from and who is truly our guide to happiness, we need to start looking forward, not backwards and start thanking Him for giving us the opportunity to make a difference in someone else’s life right now: “Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” (Phil 3:13-14 NIV)
One of my good friends just lost his dad to a freak accident. At 75 years of age, the gentleman had a strong heart and was as active as a twenty-year old. I remember meeting this elderly gentleman once, and he impressed me with his determination, his genuine smile, and his German accent, which served to remind me of my own European roots. Just a few days ago, while helping a neighbour remove a tree, he tragically fell to his death.
This gentleman wouldn’t have had any remorse. He had led a life filled with love for God as well as for others. But what if he had not realized how great God’s love truly is? What if his life had not been filled with God’s presence and he had had no idea how to truly love? Would he have wasted it on empty pursuits, like most of us?
Although grieving, this gentleman’s son stated with a smile: “I know where my dad is, beyond any doubts. He is with God, and although I sure miss him, I can only rejoice.”
He will have another opportunity to be with his dad in the future, the time interval between now and that next visit will only be a bit longer.
I am now asking myself: How will I spend the last minutes before my flame burns out? Will it be just futile attempts at self-glory? Or will it be to God’s glory?
How will you spend this new upcoming New Year?
Rob Chaffart