To Us Is Born

by | Dec 26, 2021 | Christmas, God's Love

“I am bringing you good news of great joy for all the people: to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is the Messiah, the Lord.” (Luke 2:10b-11 NRSV)

I was passing the IWK Health Centre in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, a while back, and I saw a family leaving with a new little bundle and a big bunch of flowers and gifts and toys. Above the trio, a big, blue balloon proudly proclaimed, IT’S A BOY!

The excitement and wonder of that little family was evident to every passerby. You couldn’t help but get the news, and then crack a smile as you entered their joy at that special announcement. Sure, you have to admit that they got carried away, at least a bit, but why not? This was the single greatest event in this young couple’s life together. You could just imagine all the hoping, dreaming, planning, and praying that went into that seven-pound, twelve-ounce bundle of beautiful boy. For that special day, and indeed for many months to come, that child would be the centre of the universe, the focus of attention, and the topic of every conversation, in the home and at work, the locus of every waking — and many sleeping — moments.

The realization is slow to sink in: To us a child is born! There is not a parent who wouldn’t say that the world is ever the same again, all because of the birth of that baby.

In the birth of Jesus Christ, the whole world has received a Child of promise — long-expected, hoped-for, dreamed-of — God’s wonderful gift.

Christmas compels us to celebrate — and to place Christ, at least for this day, at the very centre of our lives, and to see in Him our very life from God.

Sometime today, whether alone or with another, or in large or small families, get away from the sights and sounds and scents of the season — no music, no television specials, no turkey timetable — and let the majesty and the mystery of the birth of Christ flood your senses.

Take out your recently read or your dust-covered Bible, or go online and read the gospel story from Luke 2:8-20. As you read and recall, do not be afraid to admit to a chill running up and down your spine. With Mary, think about these things — yes, ponder them in your heart. Join the multitude who have found in these few words and in this simple story good tidings of great joy which is for all people.

Prayer: Almighty God, You have given Your only-begotten Son to take our nature upon Him, and to be born into this world for us; grant that we who have been born with Him and made Yours forever may be this day renewed by Your Holy Spirit. This we ask in the name of the Christ of Bethlehem and by the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen. (Book of Common Prayer)

Copyright © 2021, by Kenn Stright <>, first published on the PresbyCan Daily Devotional .
West Petpeswick, Nova Scotia, Canada

Reprinted from PresbyCan with author’s permission


To Us Is Born


