Look What You’ve Done

by | Nov 19, 2021 | Direction, Presence, Salvation

“The Lord has done great things for us; we are glad.” (Psalm 126:3 ESV)

“Come and hear, all you who fear God, and I will tell what he has done for my soul.” (Psalm 66:16 ESV)

How many times have you heard, or possibly, said this? Not much for me, I was a perfect child. Just kidding.

I did hear it occasionally. Usually after I made a mess. But on my way to church Sunday I heard a song by that name. “Look What You’ve Done” by Tasha Layton:

“Look what You’ve done, look what You’ve done in me You spoke
Your truth into the lies I let my heart believe
Look at me now, look how You made me new
The enemy did everything that he could do
Oh, but look what You’ve done
Suddenly all the shame is gone
I thought I was too broken, now I see,
You were breaking new ground inside of me.”

Look What You’ve Done by Tasha Layton

My mind had been wandering but it got my attention. It got me thinking about what God has done for me throughout my life. He protected me, even after I strayed and stayed away for many years. I prayed and read my Bible, but not as I should have been. Then one day I did something stupid and it cost me a job I dearly loved. But that is what it took to bring me back. I spent the next few years going to church on Sundays and an occasional Wednesday night. But then the pastor left. A couple years later, God replanted me. Best decision ever.

But looking back, I can see what God has done. I can see where He supplied my for needs when I couldn’t. He still is and I thank Him daily for it.

Can you see what God has done in your life? Can you see His fingerprints all over your life? If so, hallelujah! If not, get on your knees and repent. Ask Him to take over. We can’t do this alone. Things are getting rough. The world is going crazy. We need the calm that is God in our lives.

So if you are not saved, I suggest you get saved, the sooner the better.

Need help with it? Text me. I will gladly help you.

Remember that God loves you and so do I.

Kathy Keller
Writer and Prayer warrior with Answers2Prayer Ministries
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Look What You’ve Done


