A few days ago, we received the following prayer request:
One week ago I got burned by boiling milk as you can see in the picture. A boil grew from where I got a burn. I decided to keep quite but the pain is becoming unbearable. The pain is increasing and making my body uncomfortable. However, I have not relaxed from proclaiming the word of God. I need to go for minor surgery should money be available. Out of the 14 days I have 10 more days left. God help me. Please Lyn pray for and with me. Thanks.
From Answers2Prayer subscriber in Kenya
The next morning, we felt impressed to pray that the boil disappear. We were impressed to reach out our hands, though we were half a world away, and “squeeze” that boil until it was gone. That afternoon, we received this praise report:
In the name of Jesus I have seen God answering your prayers regarding the boil which was troubling me. As I was bathing yesterday, a lot of purse came out of the boil after I squeezed it very hard, though it was painful I felt much relief thereafter and by midday the swelling disappeared, praise the Lord. Your prayer for me was answered, to God be the glory. However, I thank God because the boil did not hinder me from proclaiming the word of God, praise the Lord.
From Answers2Prayer subscriber in Kenya
Answers2Prayer Prayer team