"Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, 'I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.'" (John 8:12 ESV) "I told you that you would die in your sins, for unless you believe that I am he you will die in your sins." (John 8:24 ESV) I heard a song called Red Letters by Crowder last night on my way to church. This is part of it: "When I read the red letters And the ground began to shake The prison walls started falling And I became a free man that day. For God so loved the whole wide world Sent his only Son to die for me Arms spread wide for the whole wide world His arms spread wide where mine should be Jesus changed my destiny." Do you know what the red letters are? Well, let me tell you. The red letters are things that Jesus said during His life on earth. Have you read the red letters? I have. Every time I read them I see something new. Jesus will show me things about them. If you want to read a good book, pick up the Bible. It's a very good book to read. But you just can't beat the red letters in the Bible. The very words Jesus spoke. I would love to know how He grew up. But what's important is what He said and did in His adult life. Jesus lived just so He could die for our sins. He died so we can live. He died and rose again and He is coming back soon to take His children home. Kathy Keller Are you ready? If not, you better decide if you want to be in paradise in heaven or go to the pits and be tortured for eternity. Eternity is a long time. Just think about extreme heat and fire that never ends. Nope! Not for me. If you want the same as me, you can have it too. Read the red letters in the New Testament and learn about the greatest man who ever lived and died for us. Then give me a call. I will walk you through getting saved. It's really easy. Guaranteed pain free. God loves you and so do I. Have a blessed day.