Faith Can Move Mountains

by | May 15, 2021 | Faith

“You have skirted this mountain long enough. Turn northward.” (Deuteronomy 2:3 NKJV)

“Truly I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be taken up and thrown into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says will come to pass, it will be done for him.” (Mark 11:23 ESV)

How many times have you said what am I going to do about (insert problem here)?

And how many times have you tried to solve that problem and failed?

Well, I took a problem to God yesterday. Know what He said? Read the first verse. Exactly. I “have skirted this mountain long enough. Turn northward.” And the sad thing is, I have. Skirted the mountain that is. Now where does that put my faith? Not at the place it should be. So I asked God what I should do about it.

I can imagine God with his head in his hands wondering where He went wrong with me. But that’s not God’s way. He is patient with us when He should just shake some sense into us. He told me to read Mark 11:23. Go ahead, scroll back up and read it. I’ll wait for you. Ok. Now that you read it. What did it say? That faith can move mountains? Yes, it can. Faith can move mountains.

This verse is repeated in Matthew 17:20 and Matthew 21:21. So if it was important enough to be repeated several times, I guess God wants us to know and believe it. But that opened my eyes. My faith has slipped a little bit. I can see it now. Things have not happened as quickly as I would have liked them too. But, as I have been told, over and over and over, God’s timing is perfect. Wait for God’s timing. It will work out better if I wait.

Know what? It does. If I can curb my impatience, and wait for God’s timing, things always turn out better.

So I am going to rebuild my faith and move those mountains. How about you? Ready to rebuild your faith too? It’s a good day to start.

Kathy Keller


Faith Can Move Mountains


