“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” (Philippines 4:13 ESV)
“For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self control.” (2 Timothy 1:7 ESV)
I am quite comfortable. I like where I am. But evidently God isn’t happy with me where I am. I got jerked out of my comfort zone yesterday morning. I had to pray in front of the whole church. I am not comfortable doing that.
It goes back to my childhood and the children should be seen and not heard thing. I never spoke up in school because what if I was wrong? I would be so embarrassed. So my comfort zone is being quiet and staying in my little corner of the world.
But that is not who I am supposed to be. I am supposed to be boldly proclaiming God’s word to the world.
But I feel safe in my comfort zone.
But maybe God has a better comfort zone for me. Maybe I should step out a little more and see what happens. Maybe explore a little more, see what God wants me to do.
I will admit that March 22, 2020 I was gently nudged out of my comfort zone. God told me to text out the scriptures. Then a few weeks later, a little more nudging. He said embellish them. Expand on the scriptures. Then a little later He just flat out yanked me out. He said more. Write more. Bare yourself to them. You have stories to tell, experiences that will help others and words of encouragement that people need to hear. So I went willingly out of my comfort zone.
But today I fought it. Greg wouldn’t take back the mic until I prayed over the offering. Thank you Greg. I appreciate it. I needed another yank. I have gotten too comfortable where I am. So here I go. Let’s see what God has for me now. He has brought me so far in a short time. I am excited to see what is next.
So don’t get comfortable where you are. Go higher. Come out of your comfort zone and see what God has for you.
Kathy Keller