
by | Mar 3, 2021 | God's Hands, Will of God

“Call to me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.” (Jeremiah 33:3 ESV)

“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.” (John10:27 ESV)

Mark Lowery sings, “I Know When I’m Hearing from Home.” It’s a really beautiful song. Here is the chorus:

“I know when I’m hearing from home
I know when I’m hearing from home
That familiar sound, Heaven coming down
The sweetest feeling I have ever known
I know when I’m hearing from home.”

I have learned to know God’s voice and I know that heaven is going to be my home for eternity. The familiar sound of my Heavenly Father talking to me is the greatest feeling I have ever had. You just know that voice. You know God loves you. He does you know. He loves us all.

God speaks to each of us but a lot of people don’t hear him. God’s voice is sweet, even when he corrects you, as he did last night to me. I admit, I wasn’t very compassionate to my new neighbor. He wanted me to call his care giver and tell her he was thirsty. Why he didn’t do it, I have no idea. But I grudgingly did it.

Well, in my defense, I was busy, and he was outside my window yelling, “hey you!” I do respond to most things but, “hey you” has never been one I respond to very quickly. But I do respond to my Father’s voice quickly. And I do my best to take care of what he wants me to do.

You know the old saying…God doesn’t call the equipped. He equips the called. God is equipping me daily to carry on. Are you ready to hear from God? He is waiting for you. He has work for all of us to do.

Kathy Keller




