The Steps

by | Dec 8, 2020 | Instruction

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.” (Psalm 32:8 NIV)

When my sister’s husband became ill she had to learn to do a lot of things around the house which she had never done before. There were decisions to be made by her alone, which had once been jointly made. There were items to be fixed that her handy husband had always gladly looked after. There were finances and a business to be managed that she had never handled alone. Indeed it was a hard time and became even more difficult after his death.

And yet over and over again, as we discussed our weekly endeavours with one another over long distance phone calls, she would tell me that amidst all of her frustration and discouragement, and yes, even anger at some stupid repair that wasn’t cooperating with her, as she called out to God, step by step, He instructed her and taught her how to proceed, just as He instructed and taught the Holy family, the Shepherds and the Wise men the very steps they were to take within their journey of life.

Mary was instructed by the Holy Spirit as to the next step for her life. As an unmarried virgin she was asked to bear the very Son of God.

Joseph, her husband to be was guided by God through a dream to go ahead with his decision to take Mary as his wife, even though she was pregnant. Other dreams instructed him to take his family and to flee to Egypt after the birth of Jesus before Herod had opportunity to kill the infant. And then in due time to leave Egypt and go back to Nazareth.

The Shepherds, who were going about their daily business of caring for their sheep were told to leave those sheep and literally to proceed step by step to the manger where the Saviour of mankind lay.

And the Wise men were instructed and guided by a star to find the Son of God and then by a dream to return home by a different route so as to avoid reporting back to the king.

Yes, God faithfully revealed each step along the way for Mary and Joseph, the Shepherds and the Wise men so long ago. But His faithfulness in guiding the steps of His people did not end there. He has guided mine for many years. He guided my sisters as she had to navigate new waters as a caregiver and then a widow. And if you are willing to seek His face and open your heart to the leading of His Holy Spirit, He will do the same thing for you today and tomorrow and the next day, no matter what your situation, until He guides your final steps to be with Him in Heaven where we shall see Him face to face and together begin the next steps in our eternal journey.

Prayer: Father God thank you that we can count on You to instruct us and teach us in the way we need to go: Your way. Thank You that you do and will continue to counsel us with Your loving eye upon us as we step by step move forward to destination of meeting You face to face to begin the next step in our eternity journey. In Christ’s name we pray. Amen.

Lynne Phepps
Atlin, B.C.


The Steps


