Worshipping God With Diapers and Dustpans

by | May 22, 2020 | Worship

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” (1 Cor 10:31 NIV)

Over the past week, I conquered one of my goals: To tape all of my old analog video tapes to digital DVDs. I never thought I would enjoy this task, but watching those old videos of when my boys were babies brought back many fond memories. I can’t believe how much they had grown in just a few years!

Having a baby in the home can be a lot of fun, but there was this one not-so-fond memory that came back to my mind as well, about a certain unpleasant responsibility babies bring: Diaper changing!

It’s funny how one cannot neglect changing a baby’s diaper. First of all, doing so would encourage a certain aroma to linger throughout the house. Secondly your baby would be crying continuously at the top of his or her lungs, making your powerful stereo system totally obsolete. Thirdly, friends would stop visiting you, for the assaulting aromas and aggravating shrieks would quickly drive them away.

No, leaving baby in his or her soiled diaper is NOT a possible choice. Parents of young tots DO have some choices in the matter, however. Here are some examples of choices you could make:

1. “Is it my turn again to change those “sweet smelling” little buggers? Can’t we hire a professional diaper changer for once? Why is it that I have to do all the dirty work in this house? Can’t we teach our baby to change himself?”

No bonus points would be scored that way. In fact you would quite probably end up sleeping in the dog house if you have one, otherwise the shed could be an alternative.

2. “Great! I want to change all the diapers. Don’t you worry about it! In fact I will ask the neighbors if I can change their babies’ diapers as well. I want to be in the Guinness book of records as the man who changed the most diapers in the whole world! Don’t you dare change that diaper! It is mine and mine alone! All glory will go to me! Get out of my way, I have a smelly duty to perform.”

You may be not end in the dog house that way, but the mental hospital could possibly become an option.

3. “It is my turn again? How sweet. You know I love to help you out, honey. No problem. I will do this for you. Where are the clothes pins and the deodorant?”

Your wife will love you more for it and will welcome your eagerness to help her out. However try to use the clothes pins when nobody is around. You may look silly with one of those things on your nose!

4. “I will gladly change those diapers. In fact it reminds me of how Jesus carried all of our foul-smelling dirt called sin and died because of it, so that I could be saved for eternity. Jesus is the example I want to follow. Thank you Jesus for taking such good care of me.”

This nasty business can turn into a worship opportunity, and offering a necessary break to communicate with the One who cares the most for you.

Okay, that was “diapers”. What about dustpans?

Dustpans offer the same choices mentioned above. You can swear and fret about sweeping the floor, or you can turn it into an opportunity to commune with your Heavenly Father.

It doesn’t matter where you are or what task you have in front of you. You will always have a choice to make about HOW you will perform that task. You can do it with a long face, you can do it for self-glorification, or you can make it a worship opportunity. And I’m not just talking about home tasks. This applies to life at work as well! In fact, the work place will create thousands of opportunities daily for making such choices.

Remember, when we do everything to the glory of God, we are much less miserable, and we are much more pleasant to be around! Thus, God’s name can be glorified, even in taking out the garbage!

My toilet is plugged up! Any volunteers?

Rob Chaffart


Worshipping God With Diapers and Dustpans


