Failure Ahead: Not on God’s Watch! Devine Compassion: Only in Jesus, Part 3

by | Apr 28, 2020 | Compassion, Miracles, Only in Jesus, Provision

“What is impossible with men is possible with God.” (Luke 18:27 NIV)

Circumstances can turn sour, leaving us haggard and confused.

My son’s phone call last Sunday left me feeling this way. A mixed up had occurred with the transfer of RESP funds for paying his second term at the university he was attending, and the money never arrived. Now he was locked out of his school internet account where all of his homework was posted, and he was facing an automatic “fail” in one of his classes, not due to lack of studying or intellect, but rather, to failure to pay.

Thankfully, he was given a two week “grace period” before failing his class, and lifting up our voices to the Lord in praise, we gave Him the problem. There was no way we could take control of this one. Only the Miracle Worker could come up with that kind of money in such a short period of time.

That was also a very busy week for me at work. I found myself behind the steering wheel more than behind my desk, and I had no opportunity to even think about the circumstances confronting my son. There was only one day that week where I would be at my regular work location. How could I help him out?

The evening before the one full day at work, I was busy trying to scramble enough funds from our meager savings to pay my son’s bill. The only problem was that it takes time for a cheque to clear the bank and to be transferred to another institution. While I was trying to get it all together, I had an encounter with my chequebook. It somehow succeeded in hitting me straight in my right eye (I had no idea that paper could be that rebellious!). It started to hurt, and at four in the morning I woke up with extreme pain in my eye.

I called in to work that morning, requesting a half-day off, and headed straight for ER where I discovered that I had done a very good job of cutting my eye. Antibiotics were prescribed, and on the way to the pharmacy I suddenly had the urge to stop by the bank. Just to “see” if there was any way the funds would be available. While parking my car, I could hear my Heavenly Father’s voice: “I have given you this half day so that you can help your son. Enjoy!”

With the cheque from another bank in my hand, I faced the clerk. “If I deposit this today, will I have access to these funds immediately?” I asked.

The clerk hesitated, “It generally takes three business days sir for a cheque to clear. I will see what I can do.”

Why is it that we always perspire in such situations? And I was dripping wet when she returned. “The funds are available as of now, sir!”

Wow! That was a miracle in itself! Thank you Lord!

My next problem was how to transfer these funds to my son’s university, because once again, the transfer of funds was supposed to take three business days.

After a brief stop at the pharmacy, I headed home to transfer the funds for my son’s second term. I felt complete inner peace after the transaction, assured that the money would clear the next day. And indeed, they did, paying my son’s account in full. God truly came through.

My son couldn’t believe it. This whole time he had been in the eye of the hurricane of events. He could feel the terror surrounding him, but felt sheltered in the peace of God, as He was the One in control of the events. The impossible had turned into an opportunity to experience God fully.

Nothing is impossible to our Lord. He is in control! As long as we hang on our own circumstances, we will never realize that God is way above our problems and He can and will come through for us.

Oh, and my eye healed up nicely within a few days. All pain went away and God was glorified.

Are you facing a bill that seems impossible to be paid? Only One can help you out, and it isn’t the loan shark!

Rob Chaffart

(To access the entire “Only in Jesus” devotional series, please click here.)


Failure Ahead: Not on God’s Watch! Devine Compassion: Only in Jesus, Part 3


