One Wrong Digit

by | Apr 27, 2020 | Miracles

Psalm 75:1,9 – We thank You, O God! We give thanks because You are near. People everywhere tell of Your mighty miracles. But as for me, I will always proclaim what God has done; I will sing praises to the God of Israel. (NLT 1996)

A friend of mine who is a worship leader was given the name and phone number of a prospect for his praise band. He called the person and immediately began telling the man of the need at church for a percussionist. The man indicated that he was interested in visiting the church and seeing the “set up”. At the conclusion of the conversation my friend said, “Well, John, I’ll look forward to meeting you Sunday.” To which the man replied, “My name is Todd, not John, but I’ll still see you Sunday?”

By the hand of God, the worship leader had dialed one digit wrong in John’s number. By the hand of God, Todd and his band of three entered church for the first time on Sunday. Looking rough around the edges, the young men marched to the front row, and began to observe that they were warmly greeted and genuinely accepted by the membership.

They found a place of belonging and love among God’s people, and several weeks later committed their lives into Jesus’ care. Their past lives had been spent making worldly music, but now as their transformation occurred through the Holy Spirit, they were led to new heights in making music God’s way.

What a story they tell, all because God caused my friend to dial one “wrong” digit in a phone number.

In a world that is sceptical of “church” and “God”, it is important that Christians “everywhere tell of [God’s] mighty miracles”. Do we live in active expectation that God will intervene miraculously in our lives and in the lives of those around us? We serve a living God!

Prayer: Thank You, heavenly Father, for the opportunity to see You working through Your children to change lives for Your honour and glory. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

Harriette Davis
Marietta, Georgia, USA

Thanks to


One Wrong Digit


