Saviour of All Men

by | Apr 26, 2020 | Poem

He inherited His’ Mother’s eyes and His’ Father’s amazing glory;
He was sent down to earth to spread God’s holy story.

No longer Mary’s child … but the Savior of all men;
He came from the Father to take away our sins.

Our gentle Shepherd, the Leader of the human race;
Shed His’ blood for us so we can have God’s amazing grace.

Covered in the blood of the Holy Lamb we can meet God eye-to-eye;
That is why Christ came … that is why Christ died.

Merciful Heavenly Father thank You for sending Your Son, Jesus Christ;
Without His’ sacrifice we would not have eternal life.

The only way to pay You, Father, for what You have done;
Is to choose to follow Christ and become chosen ones.

Pat Finn


Saviour of All Men


