The Copy Cat

by | Apr 24, 2020 | Example

Deuteronomy 5:33 – Walk in all the ways that the LORD your God has commanded you, so that you may live and prosper and prolong your days in the land that you will possess. NIV

My young colt Jesse is his brother Frank’s shadow. At 9 weeks of age he copies Frank’s movements both within and outside of the corral. When we take Frank out to be harnessed to his cart as we prepare to go for a ride Jesse stands directly opposite him on the other side of the fence and watches this process intently, nickering softly to us as we work. Last week in response to his pleas we decided to try and take him with us. We led him from the corral and attached a lead rope to his halter, which my daughter held onto as we eased Frank and the cart away from the hitching rail onto the pathway. Amazingly Jesse stuck to his brother’s side like glue, matching him stride for stride. How pleased and impressed we both were to see such behaviour in this little tyke. It strongly suggests that Jesse will one day be a clever, well behaved cart pony just like his brother Frank which would be a very good thing.

Likewise God calls his people to also be copy cats. When the Ten Commandments were given to Moses, they outlined the principles of God, those things which God esteems and values. They are Commands which when embraced offer life and prosperity and well being to all those who follow them, not in their own strength but in the strength of our Lord Jesus Christ, our brother, the One whom God sent to earth to save us from our sin and empower us to be copy cats of Himself, which is always a very good thing.

Prayer: Father God thank you that you have laid out for us in Scripture the way in which we should walk that we may live and prosper and prolong our days in the land which you have given us. Thank you for your Son, Jesus Christ who came in obedience to this earth that we might know and trust him to save us from our sin and guide us in your ways of righteousness. Bless us this day to be copy cats of Christ our brother that we might glorify you, which is always a very good thing. In Christ’s name we pray. Amen

Lynne Phipps
Atlin, B.C.


The Copy Cat


