Life’s Like a Clock (Not a Box of Chocolates)

by | Apr 21, 2020 | Direction

Their sound charmed me from the other side of the antique store we were in. Tick, tock, tick, tock. And their tags were even more tantalizing.

Ever since I was a young lad, I’ve been intrigued by time. So the site of ten square feet of wind-up, electric, spring-wound, and cuckoo clocks seized my attention. The owner’s tags also caught my eye. Tags with “NR” meant the clock needed repair and might run periodically or not at all. Tags with “Runs” meant the clock was in working order, had been oiled and set, and was probably under warranty.

Paul might have tagged himself with one of those two insignias. “So I am not the one doing wrong; it is sin living in me that does it” (Romans 7:17 NLT). I can identify.

Most days I run fine. Everything is going my way. No duns in the mail, no work drama, no fighting amongst the kids, no spats with the spouse, no sickness, no car repairs, and no deadlines. I’m living the good life.

But then the NR days arrive. The oil dries up, the hands stop, the bearings wear out, and I stop dead at one o’clock. No tick. No tock. Just tears, emotional mood swings, fussing, worry, anxiety, and blaming God for the messes.

Fortunately, God understands. He’s been there too…in the person of his Son. Sin in the world and sin in me can ruin what otherwise ticks perfectly. Feeding on God’s Word, fellowshipping with his people, and praying regularly keeps me oiled so I can control what’s controllable. The rest I leave up to God, remembering he knows best and will guide me through whatever pricks my pendulum.

When life runs erratically or seemingly not at all, remember who winds and oils your clock.

Prayer: Father, may we entrust You with every detail of our life, so the tick tock will please the One who governs and guards our steps.

Martin Wiles
Hodges, South Carolina, USA


Life’s Like a Clock (Not a Box of Chocolates)


